Nutrition & Lifestyle Assessment
Achieve Optimum Health and Fitness Through Practical Nutrition and Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

The Nutrition & Lifestyle Assessment is based upon the techniques that have helped thousands of people increase vitality, decrease stress and achieve optimal health and fitness. Each assessment is necessary and helps create an overall holistic view of your current health and wellbeing.
This comprehensive method of assessment considers the body as a system of systems and will show the root cause of any unwanted symptom, disease or stress. You will understand why every meal, every bout of exercise and every late night has a hormonal consequence. You will be shown how to identify common problems that, if not quickly recognised, can become roadblocks to success such as ineffective exercise programming, poor nutritional habits, stress, hormonal imbalance and gastrointestinal disorders.
Once enough information has been gathered coaching will start in accordance with all the results found during your assessments, you will learn how disease and stress are preventable through healthy eating habits, lifestyle management and appropriate types of exercise. Additional protocols may be recommended and would be appropriately chosen based upon the results found in your Nutrition & Lifestyle Assessment.
To start your journey, click to book your Initial Consultation.
Nutrition & Lifestyle Assessment Process
Health and Lifestyle Awareness Questionnaire
This Health and Lifestyle Awareness Questionnaire looks at the 5 most significant stressful events in your life, from the most recent to the most distant. We will identify if any these situations are continuing to impact your life and affect your health.

Health Appraisal Questionnaire (HAQ)
This comprehensive Health Appraisal Questionnaire looks at the main 28 systems, organs and glands of the human body. Each area will be rated with a score of either low, medium or high priority. This questionnaires allows you to identify where those unwanted symptoms are coming from and which areas of the body are under the most stress and require the most attention.
Lifestyle Questionnaire
This Lifestyle Questionnaire will look thoroughly into what you Drink, Eat and Do. This information is vital when choosing smart holistic lifestyle changes.
The Toxic Home Checklist
This checklist will show how to reduce the overall level of toxicity in your home. Covering areas like the kitchen, living room, laundry room, bathroom, bedroom and backyard.
The Toxic Office Checklist
This checklist will show how to reduce the overall level of toxicity in your office or work place. The unwanted risk of dis-ease is high If you body is overloaded with toxicity.
4 Doctor Readiness Assessment
This 4 Doctor Readiness Assessment will determine your readiness for an Health & Exercise Program based on the total stress in each area of your life governed by the four Doctors; Dr Happiness, Dr Quiet, Dr Diet and Dr Movement.
4 Doctor HAQ problem solving
Once you have completed the 4 Doctor Readiness Assessment this 4 Doctor HAQ problem solving will identify the main areas to focus your attention to achieve the best possible transformation towards your goals.
Health History
This questionnaires covers the following areas; Health History, Recent Changes, Every Day General Symptoms, Medical History, Male/Female Medical, Family Health History, Health Habits, Exercise, Nutrition & Diet, Food Frequency, Eating Habits and Current Supplements.
Metabolic Clearing Therapy Testing Scale
This assessment will identify if you are experiences symptoms in the following areas; Digestive Tract, Ears, Emotions, Energy/Activity, Eyes, Head, Heart, Joints/ Muscles, Lungs, Mind, Mouth/Throat, Nose, Skin and Weight.
10 day nutrition & Lifestyle Dairy
This 10 day nutrition & Lifestyle Dairy follows you over a typical week and looks at quality, quantity and the exact nature of all foods and beverages consumed. Also sleep, exercise, relaxation and bowl movement are recorded.
Assessment overview
This is an overview of all the tests completed during your Nutrition & Lifestyle Assessment and will show you positive findings using a Physiological Load Assessment Reduction Form and a Posture Imbalance Overview form.
please note, your program may not include all the assessments as listed above. It will only need those which are specific to your individual requirements.
Prepare for your Nutrition & Lifestyle Assessment
Avoid consuming tea, coffee or any caffeine up to 2 hours before the assessment.
Avoid using any perfume or fragrant cosmetics on the day of your assessment.
Please bring information about any medication you currently take or may need to take in the future.
Please be aware that to be examined properly, you will need to undress to your underwear. Sportswear is ideal
- Please bring along any medial notes, such as X-rays and scans detailing any current or past injuries and surgery undertaken.
- Prior to your assessment, please complete any documents and questionnaires that I set you.
- The Nutrition & Lifestyle Assessment could take between 1 and 3 hours depending on your requirements, this can be booked in one longer session or split up into separate sessions.
To start your journey, click to book your Initial Consultation.
After your Nutrition & Lifestyle Assessment
After completing the questionnaires we will find out your bodies main stressors. Our priority would be to reduce these main stressors and balance your bodies systems. This will give you more functionality and allow you to achieve your goals and dreams.
Exercise is a stress, therefore adding vast amounts of exercise to a client who has an unbalanced body and is under high physiological load is ineffective. Looking at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual stress would balance the bodies systems and create an effective response.

This Nutrition & Lifestyle coaching program will take you on a journey of transformation from start to finish, initial assessment to complete resolution of your health and fitness goals. During this course you will be constantly learning every week what your body wants and needs to keep you on track allowing you to overcoming any challenges.
You will understand how good health allows you to maintain optimal body weight. Discover how sleep can improve your health and repair your bodies systems. Eating and living the correct way for your body will help overcome many unwanted symptoms like muscle and joint pain, weight gain, digestive disorders, IBS, skin disorders, stress, mood swings, headaches, Fungus and parasite infections, sugar and junk food cravings and many more.
All questionnaires completed during your Nutrition & Lifestyle Assessment will be available to view within your personal account, login can be found at the top right of this website.
I will then give a full evaluation of all the information found during your assessment and then explain how your program will be developed and when your coaching will take place.
To start your journey, click to book your Initial Consultation.